What’s Your Secret?

Vitality Stories

Teri Case goals vitality stories

What’s Your Secret?

My goals

Happy 2017.

I’m currently immersed in a 30-day creative course and working on one of my goals for 2017 – doing the final edit of Tiger Drive. It’s too soon for me to tell you how and why I’ve finally been able to make these changes, but I promise to explain more as soon as I can, or when I’m done. But what I can tell you is that I’m more confident than ever about reaching this goal within the next few weeks thanks to the course I’m in and thanks to a collaboration session I completed in December.

Another creative goal is to complete the first draft of In the Doghouse by the end of March, and I am on track. I am working with Author Accelerator, and my editor holds me accountable for sending in at least ten pages each Sunday. It turns out I LIKE due dates.

What are your goals for 2017 and what is your secret for reaching them? Email me if you’d like.

As always, thanks for being you.


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Teri Case Vitality Stories

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2 thoughts on “What’s Your Secret?

  1. Nicole Bowers

    Goals are so much better than resolutions! Every year I choose evolution over resolution and that is where my focus lies. One goal is to embrace my age and stop the fuss over what is just good old evolution of my body, thank you Great Spirit wherever She may be! I don’t want to adapt into what is considered “appropriate” for us women “of age” but to live life open, curious, fun-loving, vibrant, active, and less in the ordinary! I can easily find myself going into the media scroll of a slow death during the (sigh) long, dark winter, so I’m stepping away from the dusty desk and going on a women’s march and a spiritual retreat, planning a workshop for women and a hopeful solo trip, snubbing winter with bright colors and bangles (it’s 25 below here!) and living outside my self made boundaries. And then there comes summer….. Inner evolution is where it all starts! As Carl Jung said, “He who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside – Awakens.” Love your shares and thank you, as always!

  2. Teri Case Post author

    Nicole, you always make me smile and feel stronger! I love and share your goals!! “Evolution over resolution” — perfection!

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